
“Landlubber” is a derogatory term for a person unfamiliar with the sea or with sailing. But we were all of us lubbers at some point, and almost all of us will be lubbers to some extent about some aspect or another of the sea and sailing for as long as we live. Learning more about sailing and life on the water is a process that continues until you die.

For Lubbers is a book series for everyone who knows that they don’t know it all, but wants to learn more. Written in fun, helpful, easy-to-understand English, Lubber’s Guides aren’t intended for the deeply experienced, seasoned sailing audience… they are nautical guides for the rest of us!

While they don’t shy from using nautical language (we’re willing to call a skeg a skeg, not “the little bit on the bottom where the rudder hooks on to the hull”), Lubber’s Guides are written from the perspective of folks who are new to the sea and to sailing, and who may require a little handholding to get through some of the exciting but unfamiliar concepts that come with the life.

About The Author

The Author Not Being Run Over By A Cargo Ship
A photo of the author in relatively benign sailing conditions, as signaled by his winning smile.

Scott Wilson has been boating since before he could walk. He has lived on three different boats along the Salish Sea as an adult, and managed to not sink at least two of them. Before adopting a lifestyle as a water-bound vagabond, he worked in information technology (just like everyone else in Seattle at some point). His writing has appeared on Three Sheets Northwest, in Pacific Yachting, and in Pacific Fishing Magazine, among other places.