How to Buy the Best Boat at the Right Price for You!

Buying your first boat can be an intimidating process! What kind of boat do you need? What features are important? How much should you pay? You don’t want to get taken for a ride and you don’t want to buy the wrong thing.

Boat language and concepts can be confusing! That’s why you need an expert guide to the boat-buying process!

You’ll find it in our new book, “The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Boat.”

Now available for direct purchase and download right from our website–just click here!

“The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Boat” covers every part of the boat-buying process using plain, easy-to-read language that even a lubber can understand!

The book talks about:

  • The different kinds of boats available and which type is right for you.
  • How to find the kind of boat you’re looking for and determine a reasonable price.
  • How to pre-inspect prospects to weed out the ones that won’t work for you.
  • How to make an offer and negotiate terms of sale.
  • The process of surveying, sea trialing, and closing the sale.
  • Taking possession of your new boat!

We’ll help you figure out what kind of boat you should be looking for, how to find the type of boat you want, and how to evaluate what you find. We’ll explain the process of making an offer, having the vessel surveyed, and negotiating the final price. Along the way, we talk about the pros and cons of brokers, how to find a good surveyor, how to conduct a good sea trial, and how to decide on final acceptance or rejection of the boat after you have all the information in hand. We even talk a little bit about what to do if you end up with a lemon. This book is an indispensable companion for the first-time boat shopper and a handy reference for anyone with any level of experience in boat buying!

Get your copy today!

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