Finally… a good guide to boat haulouts!

Your First Haulout Can Be Intimidating

When you buy a boat, it’s pretty natural to spend all your time thinking about how you will be using it out on the water. In the back of your mind, maybe you know that every boat has to be hauled out sooner or later for painting and maintenance. If you’re like most owners, though, you don’t really think about that until the time comes to do it.

Hauling out is a big mystery to most first-time boat owners, but it’s a job that has to be done sooner or later. Pulling a boat out of the water and putting it up on blocks seems pretty daunting once you get above the size of trailer sailers or pocket cruisers. There’s a lot that can go wrong and not many resources to tell you how to do it right.

All that has changed with the publication of our new book “Boats Out of Water: How to haul out without breaking the bank or your boat.”

A short, pocket-guide to haulouts for lubbers or new boat owners, Boats Out of Water covers topics like:

  • The common ways haulouts are done, including using marine ways, travel lifts, cranes, and forklifts
  • How to prepare the boat for a safe trip out and back in to the water
  • Planning your yard time to maximize your efficiency and minimize your yard bills
  • How to pick a boatyard and vendors to use
  • How to prepare and paint your hull
  • Other common haulout maintenance tasks

Weighing in at only around fifty pages, it’s a quick read, inexpensive, and absolutely worth the time!

Buy it today directly either in electronic or paperback from our website:

Boats Out of Water – Digital

Boats Out of Water – Paperback

Now on Amazon!

You can also buy either version of the book directly from Amazon by clicking here.

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